Yukon Drivers

Hello again. It’s been a while.

This evening I feel that I should share with you just how freaking stupid some Yukon drivers are.


Here’s an example: There are three lanes on 4th Ave. For most of it, the middle lane is a turning lane. But there is a part where the middle lane belongs to one direction of traffic, then it switches to another. Once, I was driving one way and that middle lane belonged to the oncoming traffic. I needed to get into the middle lane when it became a lane going in my direction, and I intended to do so as soon as possible. I had my vehicle hug the yellow line as my opportunity to switch lanes arose. I didn’t bother to do a shoulder check because there shouldn’t be anyone going on my direction in that lane before I got there (refer to previous sentence). As the idiocy of most Yukon drivers would have it, some douchebag going in the same direction as I had entered the middle lane early. While the lane still belonged to oncoming traffic. Then he honked his horn at me as I was about to cut him off. I admit it was partially my fault for giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t a complete moron.

Many Yukon drivers don’t signal. Or they keep their signal light on when they aren’t turning. Half the vehicles here don’t even have both tail lights working. Then you’ve got roundabouts. Whitehorse is a small “city”. We have like, 5 roundabouts. All single lane. Well many people here don’t know how single-lane traffic circles work:
-Don’t signal when you’re entering the roundabout. If the road splits into a traffic circle and a right turn, only signal (and signal right) when you are taking that right turn.
-Don’t signal until you’re about to leave. Not even a left signal. Seriously guys.
-When you are approaching your exit, signal right. This is the only signal you should use when going through a traffic circle.
Don’t believe me? LOOK IT UP.

Another example of drivers being stupid: Today I was in the left lane nearing an intersection with lights that were about to turn red. Some guy was parked on the side of the road. He drove back onto the road, then cut me off to get into my lane just before the intersection. Then he wanted to turn left. Well golly gee whiz, I had to wait a full light cycle before I could go forward because there’s a lot of oncoming traffic during that time of day. Thanks buddy.

Winter driving is another problem here. We have winter for like, half the year. Somehow, over our short summer, everyone forgets how to drive in winter conditions. Then BAM! It snows. I have to leave early on these first snowy days because traffic gets so backed up.

Anyway, it’s bed time. Good night.


Hey, haven’t posted in a while. So here are a few Missingno meme images. Yaaay. (:

Also I wanna talk about the band trip which I just came back from. We performed in a music festival in Red Deer. I think we did pretty well! The adjudicator was… LOL. He was teaching us about how we should clench our butts more when we play. He kept cupping his hand and then making a squeezing motion while saying, “yes, yes!”. Apparently clenching our butts when we play will make our buttcheeks go, “yes, yes!”.
Then we went to the dinosaur museum in Drumheller. It was FREAKING AWESOME. I liked the Paleozoic stuff the best. I love those critters. And guess what! They had live axolotls in tanks at the museum. Axolotls are real life mudkips. I took a picture. CUUUTE.

The next day we went to Edmonton. I shopped and shopped and shopped and shopped. I’m so happy now! xD
After shopping, I went to the water park with a few other people in the band. The rest of the band went to Galaxy Land. But I didn’t want to go to Galaxy Land. I wanted to go to the water park. So I went to the water park. And holy hell, was it fun. I love the wave pool! I wish there was a wave pool here!
Then on the plane ride home, I was reading this book about quantum mechanics. The author was comparing the electric oscillators in atoms to “automatic tellers”. These oscillators can only radiate energy in packets of certain sizes (ie, quanta) just like “automatic tellers” which can only dispense multiples of five pounds (or multiples of twenty dollars, in my Canadian case). And that’s when it hit me. ATM stands for “automatic teller machine”!!!

Yes, yes.


Around 245 millions years ago, large fishdolphin-looking reptiles called ichthyosaurs appeared in the oceans. They lasted until about 90 mya when they were replaced by plesiosaurs. Ichthyosaurs were super fly and were built to dive deep and swim fast. They ate ancient squiddy thingers called belemnites as well as fish. They didn’t lay eggs, but bore live young like modern marine mammals. Although they were reptiles, they had a warm-blooded metabolism. Plus they’re a good example of convergent evolution because they resemble fish so much. Cool, right?

Rock On

Right now I’m too exhausted to write much of anything so I’m going to send you to this interesting Wikipedia article.

Well it’s interesting if you’re into geology. Mostly I just enjoy the name of this mineral.

Movie Test

Here’s a nifty little quiz I found on the Intertubes. I didn’t make it and I don’t know who did. Whoever did is some sort of genius. It’s a really cool math trick that tells you which of the following 18 movies you would enjoy the most. Make sure you do it before you scroll down to see the movie list, otherwise it might ruin your results. But it totally works. I got Star Wars. Bang on. Okay, so try this:

Pick a number from 1-9.

Multiply by 3.

Add 3.

Multiply by 3 again.

Add the two digits together to find what your favourite movie of these 18 would be.

Now look up your number in the list:
1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Beverly Hills Cop
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Joy of Anal Sex with a Goat
10. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Carribean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders of the Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story

Cool, huh? 😀

Vote Compass

By the time the erection rolls around, I will be 18 which means I’ll be able to vote. I don’t like politics at all. There is too much controversy and too many opinions. So many people are greedy and corrupt. There’s just no pleasing everyone. I find it all so confusing. I like science & math a lot better. Because of this, I was thinking of spoiling my ballot. Then I figured that I should vote for the lesser of two evils. Well in this case, five evils.

I already know I’m very left wing & socially liberatarian. Despite this, I decided to take that Vote Compass test they keep talking about on the news. Just to see what I got. Here’s the link if you want to check it out yourself: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadavotes2011/votecompass/

I was actually surprised by my results. I was expecting to match up to the NDP or maybe the Green Party. Instead, my political views are closest to those of the Lemon Party.

Just kidding. I found out what I already knew.

There I am, chillin’ in the top left corner.

Piano Woes

When I first started playing piano, my parents bought me a cheap starter piano incase I didn’t stick with it. Well I stuck with it. For ten years. And I still have that same crappy piano. Except now, roughly a bajillion percent of the keys don’t work. Okay so maybe only three or four don’t work. But it makes one realize how often one needs to use the G# key when one can’t actually use the G# key. It’s aggravating and I can’t concentrate.

So now I have to get up earlier than I would normally have to and head on over to the school’s band room in order to be able to play a decent piano. Actually it’s a gorgeous electric grand piano. I want to frickin’ marry it. Even so, I’m missing out on sleep which I desperately need as I am in a constant state of exhaustion.

I have politely asked my parents several times if they would please buy me a new piano. I am an only child and my dad spends thousands of dollars on machinery that he rarely uses just because he wants it, so I’m under the impression that money isn’t a too big of an issue. I figure that after ten years, I deserve a good piano. My parents agree. It doesn’t mean they’ll ever get around to getting me a new piano though.

Therefore I’ve decided that I’m going to stop being a whiny, spoilt brat and go out there and buy my own piano with my own money like a big girl.

Stupid Fashion Trends

I hate when people wear their beanies loose on the top and it looks like a condom. I think if you are wearing something that resembles a condom on your head then you are most likely a dickhead.

It would be a lot easier for some guys to walk properly if they pulled up their goddamn pants. If you want someone to know your name, you can tell them or wear a nametag or something. I don’t need to find out by looking at the back of your boxers.

And then there are girls who make that frickin’ duck face. I don’t get it. Are ducks cool or sexy or cute or what? Seriously. It looks stupid.

I want that dress

Today I hung out with my dad. We went shopping at a bunch of thrift and pawn stores. I love looking at old junk. There’s always something interesting. Sometimes there’s something really cute too. I was going to buy this adorable yellow dress but then Dad was like, “I’m going to go wait in the car,” and so I left with him because I didn’t want to be in there alone because I’m shy and this is a run on sentence but I’m not going to fix it and there’s nothing you can do about it so there.

We also went to Canadian Tire because Dad wanted to get something or other. When we were there I saw plastic lawn chairs. They were similar to our other lawn chairs but they were different colours. One even had a cup holder. A CUP HOLDER. I had no choice but to phone Mom and inform her of my amazing discovery. Then Dad said we weren’t going to get them today because they’re stupid and ugly and blah, blah, blah. Therefore Mom and I decided we would go downtown again tomorrow and get them ourselves. Maybe I’ll go back to that one pawn store and get that dress while we’re at it.

Later the three of us (Dad, Mom, and I) went for a walk. We saw a squirrel. I took like, seven hundred million photos of it. Here are two of them.


So yeah.

It’s Friday!

It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday~.
Man, I love that song.

April Fool’s. Everyone hates that song. Every day for the past while, I’ve been hearing people bitch about that song so this morning I finally looked it up. It sucks.

Even though her song is beyond horrendous, Rebecca Black has managed to do some good. Yes, every cloud does have a silver lining. Everyone seems to have been brought closer together by a common hatred towards that song. I love how whenever the song is mentioned, you can hear a chorus of agonized groans. Although I’m sure I’ll get tired of everyone bitching about that song and I’ll end up bitching about their bitching.

Don’t know the song? This is where your good fortune ends. Bwahahah. Ha.

Seriously. What the fuck is this shit?

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